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  • What is soil structure?
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Gardening Course


Welcome to the Birkett Gardens course on gardening. This course is designed to help you learn the basics of, and how to get started with your own garden.

I am from Brisbane Australia, so some of the information may be specific to this area and I will let you know if that is the case. However, most of the information is applicable to anywhere in Australia.

How to use?

The following are a combination of articles about gardening for beginners. The course structure works to build up your knowledge base rather than random articles all over the internet.

On completion of this course you should have a good foundation for your own further investigation and gardening experiments.

What is covered?

I believe a basic understanding of some of these concepts can go a long way. Some of the information has been simplified and assumptions made to distil it. These articles are not meant to be an end all be all of the topics. Rather a starting point for beginners who can unpack more as needed.

The information in the gardening world is also constantly changing and evolving. If you do find something that is incorrect or out of date, please let me know.

Let's get started!

Next Page: What is soil?

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