Viola hederacea – Native Violet for Your Australian Garden

An Australian native, evergreen ground cover with pretty purple and white flowers.

Source: Viola by Dan Clarke


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    What is Native Violet?
  • Birkett Gardens leaf logo
  • Birkett Gardens leaf logo
  • Birkett Gardens leaf logo
  • Birkett Gardens leaf logo
  • Birkett Gardens leaf logo

What is Native Violet?

Native Violet is a small, evergreen plant that grows close to the ground. It's from Australia and some nearby islands. This plant has bright green leaves that look like little hearts and produces pretty purple and white flowers. Native Violets are great for shady, damp areas and are easy to care for. A great plant for Brisbane gardeners.

Viola hederacea and Viola banksii

Viola hederacea and Viola banksii are two kinds of Native Violets. Viola hederacea has smaller, less colorful flowers and doesn’t spread as much. It’s a bit shy and stays more contained. Viola banksii, on the other hand, was discovered by Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander back in 1770 at Botany Bay. It has bigger, prettier flowers and spreads faster. This makes it a favorite for gardens, as it covers the ground quickly and looks more vibrant.

Does native violet like sun or shade?

Native Violet prefers shady conditions. It thrives best in partial to full shade, making it an ideal plant for areas where other plants might struggle due to lack of sunlight. It enjoys moist, well-drained soil and can handle dappled sunlight, but too much direct sun can cause the leaves to wilt or burn.

How much water does native violet need?

Native Violet likes to have moist soil. This means you should water it regularly to keep the soil wet but not too soaked. Before you water it, check the soil by poking your thumb in about half way. If it feels dry, it's time to water.

Does native violet like sun or shade?

Native Violet prefers shady conditions. It thrives best in partial to full shade, making it an ideal plant for areas where other plants might struggle due to lack of sunlight. It enjoys moist, well-drained soil and can handle dappled sunlight, but too much direct sun can cause the leaves to wilt or burn.

Is native violet invasive?

Native Violet is generally not considered invasive. It spreads through its creeping stems and can cover the ground nicely, but it's usually well-behaved in gardens. It can form a dense mat in shaded, moist areas, which can be beneficial for ground cover and preventing weeds. Plus, if it does start to spread too much, it's quite easy to pull out.

How fast does native violet spread?

Native Violet spreads fairly quickly, especially in favorable conditions like moist, shaded areas. It grows by sending out creeping stems that root at the nodes, allowing it to cover ground effectively. If you provide it with the right environment, you might see it forming a dense mat in a short period of time (months).

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